
Project Groups




Yallah Project Outline

Yallah Project Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. Queer Theory as A lense
    2. Including the Other
  2. Gay and lesbian Palestinians living in Israel
    1. How do they identify
    2. Pinkwashing
    3. Community Centers
      1. Jerusalem
      2. Tel-Aviv
  3. Jerusalem Syndrome
  4. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (Disorder)
    1. Populations with PTSS
      1. Military
        1. Good Soldier complex
        2. Prisoners or War: Heroes or Traitors?
      2. Civilian
        1. Daily Stress of fearing violence
        2. Experiencing violence
          1. in the neighborhood
          2. at home
          3. on the bus
    2. Responses and Recognition
      1. Government
        1. Medical
          1. Drugs
          2. Emotional coping and help
        2. Financial
          1. Welfare and working conditions
          2. Research funding
      2. Public
        1. “Why should I have PTSS?”
        2. PTSS, a family tradition

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